Monday 24 September 2012


Three camera angles analysis

This high angle camera shot shows Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood) lying on the floor with the ring about to fall onto his finger. This shot shows his submission towards the power of the ring and his facial expression gives the impression that he is anxious about the ring.
In general a high angle shot is used to show the subject in a weaker position than something else which would be shot from a low angle. The image below was taken from Alfred Hitchcocks 'Psycho'.
This low angle shot was taken from the famous shower scene; this shot gives the mysterious intruder power over Marion. this therefore makes the audience emphasis with whats going on within the world of the film.
A close up shot is used to magnify the subject and highlight its importance by dominating the frame. This close up shot from The Shining shows his menacing face sticking through the splintered door.